Colin Crosby Heritage Tours

Did You Miss the Free Guided Walks?

[An image showing Did You Miss the Free Guided Walks?]Once again, over the Bank Holiday weekend, I led the Free Expo Walks in Leicester.

I have been doing this for several years now, since a festival that was organised in Leicester called Expo. The free walks were my contribution to the festival.

The series consists of ten different Guided Walks on the Thursday to Monday inclusive, drawn from my normal programme, but this time of course free of charge. Ten different walks in five days is really quite demanding, and I doubt very much whether any other Blue Badge Guide has ever achieved this.

This year, the most successful of the walks was "The Grim Reaper", relating how Death has made his presence felt in Leicester, followed by "Faith in Leicester", looking at places of worship in the City Centre and Old Town.

If you missed them, all the walks will be happening again in due course. "The Grim Reaper", for example, is on Wednesday 12th November.

I am now, however, calling a halt to the Free Expo Walks. Next year, they will not be happening, freeing me to use my time in other ways.

I`ll be doing something else interesting instead. Watch this space.