BP Delegates Shown Market Bosworth
I led a private Guided Walk recently around Market Bosworth for delegates to a conference run by BP.
I had been asked to do this by Force 4, a company which organises the details of conferences such as this.
The walk started at the Bosworth Hall Hotel, where the conference was taking place, and I was pleased to find that my party consisted of people from all over the world.
They were able to see the delightful little Market Place, surrounded by picturesque buildings, and the Dixie Grammar School, where Dr. Johnson taught as a young man.
Market Bosworth is best known for the Battle of Bosworth in 1485, when Richard III lost his life. Delegates were intrigued to see that all the street plaques in the town centre have either a white boar, Richard's emblem, or a red dragon, the emblem of Henry Tudor.
It's nice to be asked to be involved like this.
Posted by colin on Thursday 6th December, 2007 at 9:42am