Colin Crosby Heritage Tours

Groby (A Guided Walk in Groby)

"Groby" is one of the many Guided Walks devised and led by the well known Blue Badge Guide Colin Crosby, of Colin Crosby Heritage Tours.

These strolls are an enjoyable way of getting to know some Local History.

This walk starts outside the Public Library at Groby, and takes the form of a stroll around this pleasant village, including part of an abandoned railway line and the picturesque Groby Pool.

Along the way, Colin speaks of the local Grey family, including Elizabeth Woodville, who became Queen when she married Edward IV, and Lady Jane Grey, briefly Queen of England for nine days at 16.

Dates, costs and where to meet

A place on 'Groby' costs £4.00 per person, or £3.00 if paying in advance. The guided walk begins at Public Library, and is running on:

I'm sorry, but there are no plans to run this event at present.

If you would like to book a place on one of these dates, please telephone Colin on (0116) 2611576 or email him at

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