Colin Crosby Heritage Tours

Oadby Carers Enjoy Talk on Old Leicester

[An image showing Oadby Carers Enjoy Talk on Old Leicester]I gave a talk to Oadby Carers recently on Old Leicester.

The talk was at the Barnabas Centre at Oadby, and the group are all people who care for loved ones.

I spoke about Leicester`s long history, that stretches back two thousand years to the Roman occupation, through the days when it was under Danish control and one of the Five Boroughs of the Danelaw, through its importance in the mediaeval period, to today when it is one of the Top Ten populous cities in England, with a multi-ethnic, multi-faith population.

I talked about some of the city`s surviving ancient buildings, including the Jewry Wall (the wall of the Roman baths complex) and the five mediaeval churches in the Old Town.

I would be happy to give this talk (or any other) to your own group. Do feel free to get in touch.