Colin Crosby Heritage Tours

New Talk Available on Earls of Leicester

[An image showing New Talk Available on Earls of Leicester]Speaker finders for clubs whose meetings involve talks by local speakers will be interested to know that I have a new talk available.

I don't really mind what sort of club it is. Over the years, I have given talks to groups such as Adult Education Centres, Age Concern, Boys Brigade, churches, Freemasons, historical societies, Mothers' Union, police, Probus, Rotary, Round Table, Towns Womens Guild, U3A, Women's Institute and Young Wives. And I'm sure I've forgotten some!

The new talk is "The Illustrious Earls of Leicester".

It contains thumbnail sketches of some of the men who have held this title. They include Simon de Montfort, effectively King of England for a few months; John of Gaunt, son of a King and father of another; Robert Dudley, close friend of Elizabeth I, whom he was expected to marry; and Thomas Coke, agricultural pioneer.

Do get in touch if you would like me to visit your group with this talk.